What You Can do to Stop a Foreclosure Sale in Florida?

The state of Florida follows judicial foreclosure process and has the highest foreclosure rate compared to other states. The lender has to file with the court to take possession of the property if homeowner misses the mortgage payment three times or more consecutively. One of the best ways to stop foreclosure sale in Florida is to contact the lender and work out a payment plan. Lenders do not want the property back, so they would prefer to come on a common agreement with the homeowner than foreclose on the property. The homeowner has to show the lender, they are interested in paying back the money despite all the troubles. When lenders know you are interested to pay the money the workout a plan with you. What to avoid to stop a foreclosure in Florida? The first steps to stopping a foreclosure in Florida is knowing what not to do in the first place. Let’s find out what not to do: · Do not sign a document that auth...